Thursday, July 23, 2009

The End!

In light of recent events I have created a new blog. My life has been on a cross road for some time and I've made the decision where to go. The past year has been essential for me, but the door of opportunity is ahead of me and I'm taking g the plunge. I'm starting a new chapter of my life and never looking back. You can now find me at

The name of the new blog is called "Sweet Innocence" and will explain all of this to you a lot better. Whishing you all the best of luck!!!

(for the last time)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Portugal =]

So most of you probably know, that I'm portuguese =]

Power to the Lusitano people!!!

I'm going to Portugal this summer, I can't wait, the parties, my friends and family who I haven't seen in almost a year and of course...The beautiful sites, and wonderful things that are around there.

Here's a small picture of my town, anyone who is interested in a nice, peaceful, and beautiful site seeing vacation should consider visiting Portugal. The traditions and the people make it a great place to stay. =]


Chaos <3

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stella D'Oro Strike =]

So as I posted before on the blog, there was a rally supporting Stella D'oro workers in the Bronx. These workers are looking at a 25% pay cut, loss of holidays and sick days, and cuts on their benefits. They have been on strike for 9 months. Yesterday (May 30th 2009) I went to support them. Here are a few pictures of how things went.

Me =] with the microphone doing chants.

I thought this was a fun creative way to get the message across!

Johny holding the speaker to my mike

Yasir holding one of our signs

Mr. Moussab holding a sign during the march.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Join the Cause!!!

Spread the word: Bronx Stella D'Oro workers have been on strike since August, forced out by the outrageous "offer" made by the company's new owners: cuts in holidays, sick days, vacation, eliminating health benefits, AND wage cuts. Don't buy Stella D'Oro! Ask your local grocery store not to stock their products, until the company bargains in good faith and the workers are back at their jobs. Union busting is disgusting! Boycott Stella D'Oro.

Join the cause, boycott Stella D'Oro.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Congrats Congrats =D

Okay, dear readers it is currently May 8th, 2009 at 10:59 P.M, and I'm going to make this post as short as possible!

I just came back from a debate banquet. I am very happy that I got three awards, WOOT WOOT! However, the point of this blog is not to congratulate myself but rather all of my friends whom I love so much!

Ok Congratulation Debaters:

  • Both my partners:
  1. Ana
  2. Sara
  • Ivelise (my Jimena, my sister, my best friend)
  • Sean (my mister)
  • Omer (whom i argue with a lot, but its a pleasure doing business with him lolx)
  • Julian (my boo =D)
  • Devane (my protector)
  • Shagun
  • Amna
  • Jamil (who I love more than Eve, shh)
  • Youssouf (who i helped what...once? lolx)
  • Christine
  • Kaylah
And of course the man who received the high award this year, and who helps us all 24/7/365...
  • Chris (whom we're all very proud of =] )
I'm sorry I know I forgot tons of you guys but accept my apologies =].

Congrats to you all!!!

And Kick ass next year!!!



Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Question and Answer Session Part 2

Hey Everyone, yup I'm back again with a whole 'nother round of questions! I've been building them up for a few months and even asked people to submit the rest yesterday! Ok, now for those of you who aren't familiar with the Q/A sessions here in my world this is how it goes:

Overtime people text, e-mail, comment, call, or just plain blurb out crazy/weird/psychotic/inspiring questions. My job is to answer them all 100% correctly for your amusement, and my embarrassment. Why do I do it? Cuz its tons of fun and pleases you all!!! ^_^

So let the CHAOS begin....

Pledge: I, Leonor Dias, do solemnly swear to answer every single questions submitted by my readers one-hundred percent truthfully. If I do not, they are, with my permission, allowed to poke me with sticks! =]


Sara asks:

1. If a boy were to tell you something romantic what would you want it to be?
If a boy were to say something romantic to me, I'd probably would like it to be "I want you to be mine". I have no idea why, but that's what came to my mind first, so I'm guessing that would be what I would like.
2. What mistake do you regret most?
I don't regret anything in my life. The way I see it everything I have done to this day, good or bad, has brought me to be the person I am today and brought me to where I stand. I wouldn't regret a moment of it.
3. What's the thing you want to do but can't?
Oh, I knew the answer to this one the moment I read it!!! Sky-diving!!! I want to do it so bad, it looks like it would be so awesome, but unfortunately I wouldn't be allowed to, and plus I'm extremely scared of heights. But who knows, one day I might do it!
4. What would you love to repeat?
There are tons of things I would love to repeat, however I think the thing I'd probably love to repeat would probably be the night back in Portugal, I slept over Emma's house (she's British) =]. We sneaked out to the castle, and jumped the wall we lay there for five hours and talking, joking, and looking up at the stars!

Alim asks:

1. What was your first impression of me and how did you opinion change as you got to know me?
I don't really remember what my first impression of you was, actually. Sorry! All I remember is Eve introducing us. However, as I got to know you I definitely learned you are not exactly like everyone else! (Don't take that badly!) I mean you're definitely unique. You're extremely smart, and a bit of a flirt, but its all good, join the club right?
2. Describe your dream boy.
My dream boy? oooo toughy...Ok I guess my dream boy is tall light eyes, dark hair. Someone who is extremely sweet and really honest, brutally so. Someone who knows how to have fun and make me laugh, that's a must. But also someone who knows how to be serious and mature. Someone unafraid to take risks, and someone who would be able to see both sides to a situation!

Yasir asks:

1. Scale 1-10, 10 being the best. How hot do you think you are?
Oh I'm definitely a 10!!! No, I'm kidding I'd probably consider myself an 8. Is that reasonable?
2. Is your vagina bigger than Stacey's?
Ok, Yasir seriously what is wrong with you and Stacey? HOW IN GOD'S NAME AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT!!!! I have never measure my vagina OR Stacey's so I could not possibly know!
3. Who is your best friend?
I have quite a few best friends I can't just say I have one really, sorry. However here is the list (IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER)
Ivelisse Tirado
Erika Martinez
Angela Fernandez
Nathan Corra
Yasir Lee
4. Who is your celebrity crush?
Ha! I love this question. Angelina Jolie!!!! And NO it's not because of her big lips! It's actually her eyes, they're dark, powerful and super sensual!

Brian asks:
1. Do you prefer Mayonnaise or Ketchup with your milk?
NEITHER!!! First off I don't like Ketchup or Mayonnaise, second with my milk? That's disgusting, who even does that? Ewww
2.How many do you need, to count the number of GUYS you've kissed: One hand, Two hands, one foot, Two feet, or more? (P.S. We are talking about an average 5-fingered human hand/foot)
Believe it or not, I need two hands, and the second one is not completely used in other words there are fingers left off not counted.
3.What is your favorite quote?
I have SOOOOO many, you really want to make me choose? Ok one of my very favorites like top 3 I guess would be "Be the change you want to see in the world" -Buddha
4.If you could have sex with any celebrity, who would it be?

5. When was the last time you cried?
6.Last time you cried yourself to sleep?
Last week
7. When was the last time you wanted to HURT somebody.
Yesterday at dance practice I wanted to kick Nathan in his shins.
8. If you HAD to change one thing about you, what
would you?
Normally I would say I wouldn't change anything, but since I HAVE to I would change my hair being so thin and frail.

Emilio Asks:
1. What is the craziest thing u have done on a date?
Jumped in a river I guess...
2.what kind of car do u want when u get older?
A black corvette...I wish lol would u react if your bf is cheating on u?
It's happened before and obviously I'd be pissed, then sad, and then I'd move on. What am I supposed to do? He wouldn't be my boyfriend anymore tho.
4.what do you do best?
Write stories.
5.what would you never do for your boyfriend?
I would never kill anyone/
6. what is the most childish thing you have ever done?
I don't know, thrown a tantrum at my father?
7.would you like to have red eyes?

As awesome as that That's even more creepy than it is awesome!
8.what would you do if your bf catches you lying to him?
Why would I lie to my boyfriend? But anyway, I'd fess up of course, what good is it to continue?
9.what is the best advice you have ever received?
"There is no rose without thorns"-My mother. She told me that there is no such thing as a life without difficulties, just like there is no rose without thorns. Instead of trying not to get prickled or to fuss over the blood when you accidentally do, you should instead cut off the thorns and wipe away the blood that was caused in the process. far have you gotten with a girl?
All the way...home run! lol
11.what is your favorite food?
Lasagna =]
12. have you tasted your own pee?
EWW!! WTH? No, that is the most disgusting question EVER...I shouldn't even have to answer it. No I have never tasted my own/ or anyone Else's pee. ugh =[
13.who are you closest to mom or dad?
My mom of course.
14.what was the happiest moment of your life?
This one is a tough question. I would have to say the happiest moment of my life would be the time I published my first fanfiction.Weird I know!
15.what was the saddest and funniest?
Saddest, when my great-grandmother died. Funniest, any moment with Brian I guess =]
16. Do you like cats?
Yes I do!

Nathan asks:

1.If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?
I would end world suffering. Point, blank.
2.Tell the truth did you really get turned on by a gay guy?
Unfortunately yes -_-
3. What do you want to do every time I drop you in dance?
Kick your ass.

Well that's it...I hope you all enjoyed! Thanks to Sara, Brian, Emilio, Alim, and Nathan all whom submitted questions!!!


Sunday, April 5, 2009


Today's post is for everyone who is feeling down...

My advice: Get up, go out, have fun, and live! Remember the parts of your life that are still amazing, hang on to friends, make a phone call, dance like no one is watching, and of course on such a sunny day...go out and have a water fight ^_^

Everything will alright!
